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Sunday, November 28, 2010

101128 ♥

Went to Kashin's house for studying today.

Blue light again. Urghhhh ~ (Without contacts and any make up on)

My hair condition has gone worse recently.
The picture is shown.
Gosh, I want my smooth hair back !

I got the news that SNSD will be coming to Malaysia next year for a concert.
It is just a rumor, but it makes me happy enough !
Hope it is real and I'm attending for sure !

Why was Jessica crying ?
Because she just knew that her sister, Krystal, fainted while her performance was going on.
Don't cry, Sica ~ ='(
It shows the sister's love. =DD


Saturday, November 27, 2010

101127 ♥

Recently my mind is full of memories of childhood.
All the people started changing their profile pic to cartoons,
It reminded me a lot of the happy memories with the cartoon network and disney channel.

I love to being a child.
No worries, no complicated, no problems.

Suddenly I think of a PS game that I used to play when I was still a child.

Fighting Force !

I liked to use the girl with red jacket.
Because she is pretty. LOL

I don't like dancing game anymore.
I prefer fighting and racing game.
I am not a violent person okay ? HAHA
I am kind of boyish while playing games.

I think that I got the potential in playing games.
But not the books of course.

I am so gonna buy a PSP for myself when I am rich.
Oh yeah ~~~ =DD


Kept watching Tiffany's videos yesterday.
(Errr, you're not supposed to study yesterday ?)
Okay, back to the topic.
Sad to know that, I knew that Fany's mom had gone when she was in childhood.
Now I only knew ! WT... ?
She is tough.
Extremely tough.
She is like a role model to me.

I cried badly when I was watching this.
Please, antis. stop doing childish behavior to her and the rest of the members.

And, please do APPRECIATE your mom.

Love Fany.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

101125 ♥

说实在 也没有轻松到哪里去
想到下个星期还有很多科目等着我 我就不禁紧张了起来

就算读了 努力了 尽力了 也怕自己会不及格
这次应该是第一次paper 2写这么多了
不过都是乱乱写 很多也空着
有些背过的 都忘记了
有些辛苦背下来的 都没有出
真的是 拜托拜托拜托 我只求及格

最近很开心 因为爸爸妈妈对我的态度都好好
都会问我 我的近况
刚才妈也问我关于今天的考试 我说有点难 (其实是很难 只是不想让她受打击 哈哈)
她也说没关系 尽力就好 哈哈~
再也没有"下次"了 所以会尽力做到最好
朋友们 也要加油啊~

所以今天想好好休息一下 明天再奋斗~
有时候太逼自己去读书 反而会得到反效果
所以适当的休息 是应该的 嘿嘿

一个字 爽 ! 哈哈
不过到了明天就得收拾心情 继续努力读书了~
就让我充满力量 哈哈哈

一个月过后 就是圣诞节了 !
期待 期待~

好矛盾 有时候 想时间过得快些
但有时候 却希望时间永远停在那一刻 ...

这些问题永远都解决不到 如果我的想法太过于执着
说出去了 解决了 也会重蹈复撤
所以不想理了 只要专心在考试上 就不会变得情绪化

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

后会有期. =)

我过得很尽兴 也有遗憾 也有伤心 也有不舍

一直告诉自己说 不能哭
因为带着隐形眼镜 而且哭了很丑 眼睛会很肿


没想到我和巧芯的发型很配下 =PP
一个马尾在左边 一个在右边

这是最后一次听你致辞 所以就忍了 =)
说真的 很紧张
那种心脏跳动一直在加速的感觉 真的很难受

但过后 我却拿不到自己的sijil
不要这样嘛 就算再不舍得我 也不要用这种方式嘛 xD

终于 毕业歌一播 那个旋律一窜进我耳朵
我崩溃了 大哭
我真的很讨厌毕业歌 小学六年级毕业的时候 也是这样
哭的时候 一直掩着脸 丢脸啊~ 不想被别人看到
还哭到抽泣 ==
真的 说好不哭的...
冷静过后 我就问:"有tissue吗?" "我的隐形眼睛有掉吗?" xD

不是很认识的 也照拍不误 哈哈
不过之后也发现到 我也没和很多人拍到 唉~

我的姐妹们~ 不过少了babe =((

我亲爱的3E家人们 !! *不过左手边那位不是啦~

5B家族 !! 这么多张照片里 最爱这张啦
因为大家都笑得好开心 =DD
我几幸运下 就站在老师隔壁 嘿嘿

拍完了过后 就去jun wen家换衣服
本来想穿班服的 不过算了 以后吧
已经呈现紫红色了 超丑的 ><

之后我们就出发去the curve唱K啦~
房间很大 因为很多人 大概14人吧
那时候 有点对不起geng jie 看他一个人很闷在那边
还有 我先声明 其实我真的没打算点少女时代的歌的
因为我知道 那班很少人喜欢韩国歌
不过最后还是有人帮我点了 (谁点的?)

下次别帮我点少女时代的歌啦 免得大家扫兴 唉

第一次用DSLR拍照 有种很专业的感觉 xP

我和yoon yeap有很配咩? 他学我的pose罢了咯~ 哈哈
这张少了老婆 =(

男一班选择回家 除了yy 我们就去ikea吃东西
不可思议 ?
我是 1U kaki 但从不去 ikea =x
fatty N年前说好要请我吃那里的ice cream
虽然只有RM1 (怪不得他会酱好请我 xD)
不过真的很好吃 !!
下次一定要再去那儿买来吃 ~

吃完过后 就出发回家了
差点走错路去bate cave拜神
甚至去云顶的mc donald吃东西 xDD

今天大家都狂放照片 狂tag
哇 其实我有种想remove tag的冲动
好丑哦 !!!!!!!!!
我可以安慰自己说 真人比照片好看得多吗 ?
哈哈哈哈 发神经~

怕有人会读到睡觉 ==
算了 下次吧

考完试后 大家再疯 ~
后会有期 =))

Monday, November 15, 2010


"After SPM, I want blah blah blah..."

This is the hot topic that I keep mentioning when I was chatting with my friends.
Even though the exam is really around the corner.
8 days to go !
But seems like I have no fear on it.
What to do ?
I have no idea. =x

Okay, exam always makes my mood down, so just keep it away.
I have been given much thought on this,
I wanna live a better life and create a new me after the exam.

I want to slim down !
I want a slim body, but not thin.

This is what my body shape looks like.

So, I decided to do exercise every morning at desa park city after exam.
Join me if you are interested. =)

I want a pair of long legs like them. =)

Skinny jeans look good on slim girls only. =(

And, I need to care more about my skin.
Dark circles, acne, skin tone uneven.
I want back my white and fair skin like when I was a baby. LOL

I'll definitely find a part-time job.

This is what I face now.
Lack lack lack lack lack of money !
This month spent a lot. =(

So, at the meantime, my eyes change to the money shape like him. =x

I hope that my house is full of money.
So that my dad and sis don't have to work so hard. *Sigh*

I'm so into the dress right now.
I'm not fashionable, I don't have any fashion sense.
But I know what looks good on me.
Window-shopping is really suffering. ='(
I'm so gonna buy those dresses when I have lot of money.

I don't know what hairstyle I want, but this hair color is freaking nice !
I love it !
Can somebody tell me what color is this ?

Everyone has their own desire.
I have mine too.
So, I'll work on it !
Hwaiting ! =D

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I love the day. ♥

The 5Bians and our beloved Pn. Cheong with her husband. =)
Opps, it should be the 5Best !

The very last day of being a KBian or a secondary student is gonna end so soon.
6 days left, including the graduation day.
Appreciate every minute, even every second.
Although the graduation day is on 16th of November, but we have decided to make our gathering earlier.
Another nice gathering after Momo Paradise last time. =)

We had our gathering at D'Fortune, Menjalara.
Before that, actually I have cheated on Kashin them that I couldn't make it to the gathering.
I wanted to tell them the truth so many times as Kashin said she didn't want to go if I absent.
So, I kept persuading her to attend.
And, it was a success ! Hiak hiak hiak ~
Surprise ! =DD

Took tons of photos there through facebook, kept spamming the news feed. LOL
I had no more image, many of my ugly photos there.
But I don't care, those photos were the most natural side of me. =D
I don't have to act pretty or whatever in front of them.
They made me feel comfortable. =)

After that, we headed to Tesco for movie until 12am something.
"Thank you, Pn. Cheong !"
Dismissed. =)

It was around 1am when I reached home.
I was nervous because I scared that my mom will scold me.
But, no.
Somehow I felt sadder, it shouldn't be like this.

My mood was going down.
I reviewed myself about 20 minutes in the toilet.
I cried.

Yesterday night was awesome.
The night that I will never ever forget.
This night have categoried in "memories".
And, an alert to me.

20 days left to SPM, DON'T disappoint them again.

在你得到真正的自由之前 你必须好好的约束自己 .

To my lovely 5Bians,
We shared the same classroom for 2 years, but now we only close to each other.
Honestly, I usually think that my form 3's life is better than form 5's before.
There was so many people that we less chatting with.
But until this year, I realised that our relationship is getting closer and closer.
And, we just have 6 days left.
Time passes without knowing.
So, appreciate.
I love spending time with you all.
Thanks for giving me such an awesome gathering. =))

I have to cure the facebook virus from now onwards.