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Thursday, July 22, 2010

No-title .

Nothing much to blog actually.
But I feel like blogging. =x

There was a "Chinese VS Indian" fight during recess.
Felt very excited about it at first.
Cause this is the first time watch in LIVE.
No Youtube.
And I saw a guy that I used to chat with him before.
He was in the part of them.
What ?
Are you kidding me ?
Felt disappointed, maybe ?
I thought he's kind of a good boy type.
Oh shit, I forget the phrase "Don't judge a book by it's cover.".

The red anger started growing up when I was walking back class.
Those scenes can't get out of my head.
Our school is kind of a good school among the others.
Okay, I knew there is a lot of KBians joined some gangsters.
But, fighting in our school area hard to happen in the past few years.
And now, it happened.
It made me feel like, our school is equal to those schools that have bad reputation ones.
I have to say, the discipline of our school is getting worse day by day.

Form 3, supposed to be having PMR.
And now, fighting.
Wow, such a good way to release their stress.

I just don't understand.
Why guys like to face punch ?
Are they born to be like that ?
Fighting can't solve problems.
It'll just increase your wounds,
And probably you'll feel that you are a man ?
Gosh !
All of you are just so childish.
Is your brain a sushi ?
Hey, think more before you do something.
Okay, maybe I'm not a mature girl too, but at least I'm better than you a hundred times !
It ended up kena buang,
Are you satisfying with this "happy ending" ?

What happened to the students in SMKB recently ?
(Except the form 5s. We're well-behaved.)

Shit, anger comes again.
Have to stop this topic now.

Fatty and his gang did some creative stuff today.
I do admire them as they don't repeat the same surprise.
Full of creativity.
Looking forward to the video.
It'll be nice and hope the birthday-girl get touching with it. =)

Thanks a lot to my wifey for the pencil box due to my previous pencil box has a HUGE hole.
Thanks for your caring. Love you !

能做朋友 就是缘分
别为了那么一丁点小事 就做出或许以后会让你感到后悔的事


Munn said...

Yesh! Fighting can't solve problems!

eminey626 said...

agree. i wonder why guys must fight to solve problem? it is so cool to do such things? dont think so == please be mature a bit :)
>< yea, they are so creative. i also hope someone can done this do me TT

yunakiss said...

mun: HAHA high-5 ! =DD
eminey: HAHA wait next year lah, maybe they'll do it for u =D

eminey626 said...

waaa, next year. all dont know go where jor TT